Selain Flappy Bird, ada 5 Game lainnya yg bisa bikin kamu greget - Siapa yang belum pernah main game Flappy Bird? Ane yakin semua udah pada nyobain kan apalagi beberapa minggu ini di berbagai media sosial juga banyak banget diomongin tentang serunya main game ini sampai berapa best score yang agan pernah capai
Nah ternyata si Gear Studios (PH nyang bikin ini game, from Vietnam gan) ini punya 5 game lain yang sejenis dengan Flappy Bird. Ya kali aja agan2 semua ngerasa bosen kok score nya gede terus, kaya butuh tantangan Mungtkin juga bisa ngerasa di Flappy Bird agan susah banget dapetin score gede, coba di game lain mungkin lebih banyak dapetin score trus bisa pamer ke temen2 and medsos
Ini gan 5 game lainnya yang enggak kalah bikin greget kaya Flappy Bird
1. Shuriken Block (iTunes, Google store)
Is that a throwing star in your head or are you just happy to see me? Shuriken Block has players tapping to stop shurikens that are raining down from the sky, preventing them from embedding themselves in the heads of poor unsuspecting samurai.
2. Smashing Kitty (Google store)
Arguably the most polished (and fun) of .GEARS releases so far, Smashing Kitty has player pogoing up and down as they squish a variety of cute little critters that appear under foot. You’ll need to squish them quickly though – you have to clear each level in a set amount of time if you want to move on.
3. Super Ball Juggling (iTunes)
Ever play keepie-uppie? Super Ball Juggling is that, but with two players kicking their own ball in the air instead of one. You have to tap at just the right time to kick that ball, and… yeah. It’s as hard as it sounds. Super Ball Juggling makes Flappy Bird look E-A-S-Y.
4. Droplet Shuffle (Google store)
Three-card monte by way or adorable pixelart design. If you’ve always wondered how rubes had so much trouble keeping their eye on the right card, though, Droplet Shuffle is prepared to give you a proper humbling.
5. Ninjas Assault (Google store)
Defend your fort from a ninja assault in… err.. Ninjas Assault. This one tasks players to pull back and aim (a la Angry Birds) to fire shurikens at approaching ninjas. Let too many slip through your grasp and it’s game over.
Sorry ya, saya dapat sumber dari situsnya langsung jadi blom di terjemahin ke indonesia gitu. hahahahahaha, dan juga basa inggris ane kurang bagus
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